Saturday, June 18, 2011

Books on Cd Review

Listening To a Book

This is the first time I have ever listened to a book on Cd, so what did I choose to listen too, Twilight. I have been wanting to read the series again, but I haven't wanted to fit it into my reading schedule. I have so many books that I need to read and I don't have the time to re-read Twilight again. So I figured I would listen to the book while I drive versus listening to the same songs over and over again and having to put up with those annoying commercials. 

By Stephanie Meyer
Read by Ilyana Kadushin
Note: My review is about listening to the book not about the book content

My Review
The Good
1) No commercials: I hate all those stupid advertisements.
2) I Don't have to fit it into my jammed reading list
3) It is still very entertaining

The Bad
1) Since Twilight is completely through Bella's POV, I really don't think the voice match was the best
2) Pronunciation: two words really really drove me nutts
~Bella was pronounced Bel-la with a gap in-between the two syllables making it sound annoyingly choppy. Her name means beautiful and the pronunciation was anything but beautiful.
~Volvo was pronounced Valvo, there is no f****ing A is volvo!! My husband has a volvo so this is probably the reason why it bothered me so much. 

And The Difficulties
Since I wasn't reading the words myself I found that I didn't feel as connected with the characters and I also didn't feel as completely drawn into the Twilight world like I have been before when I was reading it.

In Summary
I think that I can only listen to books I have read before and I am familiar with. I space out too easily, I'm a visual learner not a verbal learner so I do have some difficulties paying attention at times. Even though some things really bug me about the narrator it won't stop me from listening to the rest of the series on Cd. I have just started listening to New Moon in my car, this book is my least favorite of the 4.

I am also listening to Eragon on an MP3 when I walk, I have only seen the movie, but I have been wanting to read the book. So we will see how this book on MP3 goes.

Have you listened to a book? Do you like or dislike it?



Jennifer A said...

Hhhmmm. I think I love Twilight too much to have someone else's voice with it, if that makes sense. Plus, it sounds like you didn't love it.

I think it's cool that you shared your thoughts on it!

Kristina said...

I definitely liked listening to the book more than listening to the radio, but yes I didn't love it like I did when I was reading it.

Fiktshun said...

Thanks for sending me the link. This is really helpful! I haven't started listening to the audio, but I have the same narrator on mine as the Twilight Saga. I hope there aren't mispronunciations! And as someone whose parents had a Volvo so long before anyone else, I've heard all the horrible mispronounced names, but Valvo takes the cake!

I hope I'm able to make a connection with the characters and can still build a picture of the world in my mind. But I'm worried, like you, I'll space out. And I could never listen while driving, but sitting in the sun might be nice. :)

Really super helpful review.